Pflaesterer-Schoensiegel, Michael, MD

Presentation oral and poster presentation;
Title: Radiation Exposure in CT-Guided Lumbar Periradicular or Epidural Treatment and In Lumbar Sympathectomy.
SessionAdvances in Interventional Radiology and Image-Guided Therapy;
Session Type: Parallel Session II
Time It will be on the 7 September 2000 , speaking time: 16:05h.
Co-Authors: J.C. Boeck, Munich (Germany), S.A. Hengst, N. Hidajat, R. Felix, Berlin (Germany)

Presentation Nr. 2
Presentation oral and poster presentation;
Title: Assessment of Precision of Blind Symathectomy (not guided by CT): Experimental Results.
SessionAdvances in Interventional Radiology and Image-Guided Therapy;
Session Type: Parallel Session II
Time It will be on the 7 September 2000 , speaking time: 16:15h.
Co-Authors: J.C. Boeck, Munich (Germany), S.A. Hengst, N. Hidajat, R. Felix, Berlin (Germany)

Michael Pflaesterer-Schoensiegel's abstract Nr. 1

Michael Pflaesterer-Schoensiegel's abstract Nr. 2

Michael Pflaesterer-Schoensiegel's abstract Nr. 3


SMIT 2000, 12TH international conference