To assist us in evaluating this meeting and planning for the future, please take a moment to complete this questionnaire. Please return this form to the Registration Desk at the end of the program. Thank you for your assistance. Please rate how successful each of the presenters were in meeting the program goals and the speaker’s objectives: (E = Excellent, G = Good, F = Fair and P = Poor)
SMITImage & OR 2000
OR 2000 Systems and Technologies for the Advanced Operating Theatre
SMITRob/NEXUS Working Group and Scientific Session
Microsystems – a New Topic within SMIT?
SMST (Superelastic and Shape Mempry Technologies) Workshop
Nitinol in Medicine
Plenary Session I:
Telemedicine and Operating Theatre of the Future: OR 2000?
Plenary Session II:
Image-Guided Interstitial Therapy of Cancer
Anatomy Browser Presentation:
Teaching and Surgical Planning
Please only rate the sessions which you attended.
Special Focus Session I:
Innovative Cardiothoracic Therapy
Special Focus Session II:
Recent Developments for Minimally Invasive Therapy at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Parallel Session I:
Endocrine Surgery, Microendoscopy and Endourology
Special Focus Session III:
Interventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Angiography
Special Focus Session V:
New Technologies of Stents
Parallel Session II:
Advances in Interventional Radiology and Image Guided Therapy
Special Focus Session IV:
Telemedicine and Communication Technologies
John Wickham Lecture
Impact of Innovative Medical Technologies on Minimal Invasive Therapy
Plenary Session III:
Robotics and Surgical Interfaces
Plenary Session IV:
Endoluminal Surgery and Therapy
Teaching, Sirgical Planning, Automatic Segmentation
Special Focus Session VII:
Extracorporal Shockwave Therapy in Orthopedics, Traumatology and Urology
Special Focus Session VIII:
Minimally Invasive Gynecology – Use Gyn Experiences for Your Own Work
Special Focus Session IX:
Innovative Thoracoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery
Parallel Session III:
Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery in Image Guided Procedures
Special Focus Session X:
Innovative Neurosurgery
Plenary Session V:
Interim Reports of SMIT Working Groups
Plenary Session VI:
Face to Face Dispute:
Artificial Organs: Genetic Engineering versus Mechanical Engineering
Plenary Tele-Session VII:
Tomographic Endosurgery and Microtherapy
Electronic Poster Presentation
Please rate the following items as they relate to the program as a whole.
(E = Excellent, V = Very Good, A = Average, F = Fair, P = Poor)
1) Level of presentations
2) Clarity of slides and overheads
3) Printed materials and handouts
4) Opportunity to meet with faculty and other attendees
5) Efficiency of the staff at Professional Meeting Planners
6) Adequacy of Meeting Facilities
7) Adequacy of accommodation
8) Convenience of travel to the program city
9) How many months in advance do you like to be notified about an upcoming conference?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) Which day of the week do you prefer to have a conference begin? Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 11) Please prioritize the three months of the year that you prefer to attend a conference, using 1, 2 and 3 to define your priorities. January February March April May June July August September October November December 12) What topics would you like addressed in next year’s program? 13) The best parts of the meeting were: 14) The worst parts of the meeting were: 15) How would you rate this course overall? Excellent Very Good Average Fair Poor Additional Comments: Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. I would like to the form.
10) Which day of the week do you prefer to have a conference begin?
11) Please prioritize the three months of the year that you prefer to attend a conference, using 1, 2 and 3 to define your priorities.
12) What topics would you like addressed in next year’s program?
13) The best parts of the meeting were:
14) The worst parts of the meeting were:
15) How would you rate this course overall?
Very Good
Additional Comments: